Jackie Wise Critzer

Jackie Critzer | In the News with What To Do When... A Legal Chat Video Podcast from CRITZER CARDANI PC.
Jackie Critzer is proudly featured on these episodes of What To Do When... (click to expand)
The objective of the What To Do When… podcast is to discuss common legal scenarios faced by everyday citizens in Virginia. Critzer and Cardani practice law throughout Virginia and focus their practice around the state’s capital of Richmond, in the Piedmont region.
- @CritzerCardani YouTube Channel
- What To Do When… A Dummies Guide to the Legal Verse Archives
- What To Do When…A Dummies Guide to the Legal Verse. Critzer Cardani’s Video & Audio podcast in Richmond, VA – In the News!
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 1: What To Do When… Divorce 101.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 2: Juvenile Criminal Law & Defense.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 3: What To Do When.. Juvenile Sex Crimes.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 4: What To Do When… You are Facing Reckless Driving.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 6: What To Do When… Protective Orders.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 28: What To Do When… Avoiding A Juvenile DUI.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 31: What To Do When… Your Student Has Been Accused.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 33: What To Do When… Natural Disasters Strike and You want to Help.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 34: What To Do When… You Are Divorcing with a High Marital Estate.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 35: What To Do When… Child Safety. Your Children’s Issues Take Center Stage.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 36: What To Do When… Your School Age Kid Gets Into a Fight at School.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 37: What To Do When… Your Teenager Enters Party Season.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 38: What To Do When.. You’re Faced with Parental Kidnapping.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 39: What To Do When.. You’re Expecting.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 40: What To Do When.. There’s High Conflict in Your Case.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 41: What To Do When… There’s Parental Alienation Involved in Your Case.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 42: What To Do When… You Have To Defend Yourself.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 43: What To Do When… You Have To Defend Yourself – Part II.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 44: What To Do When… You Become a Blended Family.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 45: What To Do When… You Are Considering A Guardian Ad Litem.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 46: What To Do When… You Need Power a of Attorney.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 47: What To Do When… Expungement in Virginia.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 48: What To Do When… You Are Charged with Reckless Driving.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 50: What To Do When… You Picked A Bad Lawyer.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 53: What To Do When… You Are Drowning In Debt.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 55: What To Do When… Teens and Protective Orders.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 56: What To Do When… You Are Posting Online.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 57: What To Do When… Your Case is All Over Social Media.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 58: What To Do When… You Are In A High Conflict Case.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 59: What To Do When… You Are A Parent Posting Online.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 60: What To Do When… There’s Still Hope.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 61: What To Do When… It’s Over, and You Don’t Want to Blow Up Your Life.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 62: What To Do When… You Want Your Kids to Have a Good Life.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 63: What To Do When… You Have a Warrant for Your Arrest.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 64: What To Do When… You Can Come to an Agreement or Not.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 65: What To Do When… The Unwed Break Up.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 66: What To Do When… You’re A Parent Who Owns Guns.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 68: What To Do When… You Have A Spouse In Your House.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 70: What To Do When… Your Spouse Files for Bankruptcy.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 71: What To Do When… Your Break Up Includes Pets.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 72: What To Do When… You Are a Co-Signer.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 76: What To Do When… Stealing Is Your Jam.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 77: What To Do When… You Don’t Like Your Guardian Ad Litem.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 78: What To Do When… You’ve Lost Custody.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 79: What To Do When… You Start a Business.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 82: What To Do When… You Are Questioned.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 84: What To Do When… You’re Representing Yourself.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 85: What To Do When… You’ve Been Impacted by a Temporary Detention Order.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 86: What To Do When… Concealment. You’ve Concealed.
Seminal Cases: Conley v. Bonasera; Virginia Court of Appeals
My name is Jackie Critzer. I started practicing law in the east end of Richmond with Keith Pagano in 2005. I grew my practice areas and developed a passion for serving clients in the areas of bankruptcy and family law.
I assist clients with obtaining and defending protective orders, uncontested and contested divorce, separation agreements, annulment, spousal support, child custody, visitation and support, pre-nuptial agreements, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy, criminal defense, business formation and dissolution and general civil litigation.
Separation and divorce are often stressful and emotionally exhausting events. I understand the roller coaster of emotions that accompany this time in your life. I can help you navigate the turbulent storms of separation, divorce, annulment, and custody disputes. I recognize that children often suffer in a divorce and I am sensitive to the unique challenges of families with children.
Consumer bankruptcy is another significant part of my law practice. I am well versed in the crossroads of bankruptcy and divorce and have instructed other attorneys on how to prepare their family law cases when bankruptcy looms on the horizon.
I know that choosing to file bankruptcy is a critical decision and I carefully review the entire bankruptcy process with my clients. In many cases I can help you stop a garnishment, stop a foreclosure, and stop a repossession. I represent clients in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies in both the Eastern and Western Districts of Virginia.
I am raising a family with my husband and I am actively involved in our community. I volunteer with Safe Harbor, the USO and Fort Lee’s 16th Ordnance Battalion. I speak to survivors of domestic and sexual assault. Additionally, I have been engaged to speak with active duty military about the epidemic of worldwide human trafficking and its impact in Virginia and abroad. I have worked with God’s Pit Crew; a first response organization that sends rescue and rebuilding efforts worldwide.
Critzer Cardani PC – November 2020 – current
Bowen Ten Cardani, PC – February 2014 – November 2020
Coates & Davenport – June 2011 – February 2014
Pagano & Associates, PC – October 2005 – June 2011
Regent University School of Law – Juris Doctorate
Oral Roberts University – Bachelors of International Business
Bar Admission
Virginia, 2005
United States Bankruptcy Court; Eastern District of Virginia 2006
United States District Court; Eastern District of Virginia 2016
United States Bankruptcy Court; Western District of Virginia 2017
Partner Spotlight Video Release Notes from Jackie Critzer
Hi, I’m Jackie, I’m one of the partners here at Critzer | Cardani. I’ve been practicing law since 2005, primarily practice in the areas of family law and bankruptcy. Family law really consists of divorce, separation, child custody, support, both child support and spousal support. Bankruptcy deals in the consumer chapters of bankruptcy, so – Chapter 7, and Chapter 13.
Part of my experience in life is that I’ve been through a divorce with custody at issue and leaning on that experience helps me better able to tailor each case that involves of course, a divorce and or custody to each client’s specific needs. It allows me the opportunity to represent each person in their capacity and where they are in life rather than trying to put a one size fits all case together for every divorce client.
Bankruptcy is a little different, and it requires an understanding and a compassion for those who are just in the middle of financial crisis. I look forward to talking with you on the phone or meeting in person and setting you on a path towards financial freedom or completing your divorce and starting you in the next journey in your life.