Divorce & Separation
Divorce & Separation related additional media & information:
What To Do When… A Dummies Guide to the legal verse. A legal chat podcast.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 1: Divorce 101
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 6: Protective Orders
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 7: What To Do When… You Are Filing for Divorce.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 8: Guardian Ad Litem
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 9: Abandonment of Marriage
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 11: What To Do When… Child Support 101.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 18: What To Do When… There is Adultery.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 19: What To Do When… There is Domestic Assault.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 20: What To Do When… You are Trying to have a Uncontested / No Fault Divorce.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 22: What To Do When… You Have an Order That Needs to be Enforced.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 23: What To Do When.. You Are Sexually Assaulted.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 27: What To Do When… You Need to Have An Annulment.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 38: What To Do When.. You’re Faced with Parental Kidnapping.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 40: What To Do When.. There’s High Conflict in Your Case.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 41: What To Do When… There’s Parental Alienation Involved in Your Case.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 44: What To Do When… You Become a Blended Family.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 45: What To Do When… You Are Considering A Guardian Ad Litem.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 68: What To Do When… You Have A Spouse In Your House.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 70: What To Do When… Your Spouse Files for Bankruptcy.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 71: What To Do When… Your Break Up Includes Pets.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 77: What To Do When… You Don’t Like Your Guardian Ad Litem.
- WTDW Podcast | Episode 78: What To Do When… You’ve Lost Custody.
The end of a marriage is often stressful and emotionally challenging. During separation and divorce, we can be the shelter in the storms that arise by helping you navigate the issues you face as a result of dividing households. In Virginia, there are options when it comes to divorcing your spouse.
Property Settlement Agreement: A Property Settlement Agreement is a formal document that can be written to formalize a separation agreement between you and spouse.
- Real Estate
- Personal Property
- Automobiles
- Debts
- Retirement Accounts
- Investment Accounts
- Bank Accounts
- If needed: Custody, Visitation, and Child Support
- Spousal Support
Contested Divorce: In Virginia, a contested divorce can be filed alleging various fault based grounds against your spouse. If you and your spouse are unable to agree on the division of property, spousal support or custody and visitation of your children then the Virginia Court will decide these issues after the presentation of evidence.
Uncontested Divorce: In Virginia, you can file for divorce after being separated from your spouse for 12 months. If you and your spouse do not have children together and you have entered into a formal separation agreement / property settlement agreement, then you can file for divorce after 6 months of separation.
Call or email today to schedule a consultation with an experienced attorney at Critzer Cardani PC.