Shoplifting and Petit Larceny (Stealing) in Virginia
Richmond, Virginia | Shoplifting and Petit Larceny Defense Lawyer
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- WTDW Podcast | Episode 43: What To Do When… You Have To Defend Yourself – Part II.
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From Critzer Cardani – If you are facing a shoplifting or petit larceny criminal charge in Richmond, Henrico, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover or any of the surrounding areas in Virginia, hiring an experienced attorney matters!
Shoplifting and Petit Larceny
Stealing (Larceny) or shoplifting items of small value can still result in criminal charges in Virginia. Even stealing a pack of gum could result in a criminal record that can cause problems in your future. Before going to court on your own or pleading guilty to any crime, you should talk to a lawyer about your rights. Call today to schedule a FREE consultation with an experienced Shoplifting and Petit Larceny Criminal Attorney at Critzer Cardani PC.
If you were arrested and charged with petit larceny or shoplifting in Virginia, Do not talk to anyone arresting or detaining you and assert your right to speak to a lawyer. Critzer Cardani PC is here to help with a FREE criminal law case consultation. Do not let a mistake ruin your future.
Petit Larceny and Shoplifting Crimes in Virginia
Theft of less than $1000.00 is known as “petit larceny” in Virginia. The difference between petit larceny and grand larceny is based on the value of items involved. However, theft from a person could be treated as grand larceny, even if the item was of little value. Remember do not talk to the police, get our help immediately.
Petit Larceny Statute in Virginia
Under Virginia Code § 18.2-96, any person who:
- Commits larceny from the person of another of money or other thing of value of less than $5, or
- Commits simple larceny not from the person of another of goods and chattels of the value of less than $1000 shall be deemed guilty of petit larceny, which shall be punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Stealing a firearm is considered grand larceny, no matter what the value of the firearm is.
Larceny (stealing) from a person involves taking something off the person’s body or belongings. This could be pickpocketing, taking something out of someone’s purse or backpack, or snatching a necklace. In this scenario any item over $5.00 from a person is grand larceny. Even taking an empty wallet from someone could be grand larceny if the wallet was worth $5 or more.
Shoplifting Statute in Virginia
Shoplifting (Virginia Code § 18.2-103) concealing or taking possession of merchandise from a business is larceny for anyone, with the intention of converting goods or merchandise to his own use without having paid full price, to –
- willfully conceal or take possession of store goods,
- alter the price tag on goods or merchandise, or
- assist another in performing the above acts.
Taking a item or price tag altering is petit larceny if the value of the goods or merchandise is less than $1000. Shoplifting is grand larceny if the value of the goods or merchandise involved is $1000 or more.
Penalties for Petit Larceny and Shoplifting
Petit larceny and shoplifting items valued at less than $1000 is a Class 1 misdemeanor in Virginia. The penalties for a conviction of a Class 1 misdemeanor include:
- Up to 12 months in jail,
- Fine of up to $2,500, or Both.
Defenses To Petit Larceny and Shoplifting
There may be many defenses available if you are charged with petit larceny in Virginia. Talk to a Critzer Cardani Shoplifting and Petit Larceny attorney about the best criminal defense in your case with a FREE consulation. Circumstances matter! Your criminal defense lawyer will investigate the case and review all the evidence to build a strong defense. Which may include:
- mistaken identification,
- the goods belonged to the defendant,
- the defendant paid for the property,
- another person put the merchandise in the defendant’s bag,
- the defendant intended to pay for the merchandise, or
- illegal search and seizure.
Call or email today to schedule a consultation with an experienced attorney at Critzer Cardani PC.