Practice Areas

Practice Areas of Critzer Cardani include Richmond, Henrico, Hanover, Chesterfield and all other central Virginia courts. Bankruptcy, Criminal Defense, Family Law, and More.

We offer a wealth of free media about our practice areas and real life legal situations you may find yourself in through our What To Do When… A Dummies Guide to the Legal Verse legal chat podcast. We are here to help you, and What To Do When.. is one reason why our legal services set us apart from the rest.


Assault and Battery

Call or email today to schedule a consultation with an experienced assault and battery attorney at Critzer Cardani PC. Assault and Battery are separate and distinct crimes. Remember as we always say, do not try to defend yourself in court or talk to law enforcement without speaking to an experience attorney like the ones at Critzer Cardani PC. More…



Call today to speak to an experienced bankruptcy attorney to help you determine whether Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy is the right solution for you. Bankruptcy is not a one size fits all solution. You need an experienced bankruptcy attorney to guide you through your options. We are a debt relief agency. More…


Child Custody & Visitation

Call Critzer Cardani PC if you are in need of child custody and visitation representation. In Virginia, when a judge is determining which parent should have custody of a child or children, the judge is required to determine the best interests of the children. Whether it’s legal custody, physical custody, or child visitation and parenting time… More…


Child Support

Call todayto schedule a consultation with an experienced Child Support Attorney today. In Virginia, parents have a duty to provide financial support for their children. The amount of child support depends on each parents’ income in relation to the number of overnights spent with each parent. Whether you are paying or receiving child support, our seasoned attorneys can assist you with your child support case. More…


Criminal Defense

Call Critzer Cardani PC to schedule a consultation with an experienced Criminal Defense Attorney at Critzer Cardani PC. If you are facing a criminal charge in Richmond, Henrico, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover or any of the surrounding areas, hiring an experienced criminal defense attorney is crucial to getting the charges against you dismissed or working to reducing the charges and/or penalties as much as possible. At Critzer Cardani PC, we understand that you never intended to be in this situation and we are honored you chose us to help. More…


Criminal Juvenile Defense

Call Today to schedule a consultation with an experienced child support attorney today. In Virginia, parents have a duty to provide financial support for their children. The amount of child support depends on each parents’ income in relation to the number of overnights spent with each parent. Whether you are paying or receiving child support, our seasoned attorneys can assist you with your child support case. More…


Divorce and Separation

Call Critzer Cardani PC The end of a marriage is often stressful and emotionally challenging. During separation and divorce, we can be the shelter in the storms that arise by helping you navigate the issues you face as a result of dividing households. In Virginia, there are options when it comes to divorcing your spouse. Whether it’s a contested, or uncontested… More… 


Drug Possession

Call Critzer Cardani PC to schedule a consultation with an experienced Criminal Defense Drug Possession Attorney at Critzer Cardani PC. If you or your child is facing a drug possession criminal charge in Richmond, Henrico, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover or any of the surrounding areas in Virginia, hiring an experienced attorney matters! Drug possession laws in Virginia are extremely tough. If you are charged with possession of a controlled substance, you can expect the prosecutor to aggressively prosecute you. You need… More…


DUI Defense

Call Critzer Cardani PC today to schedule a FREE DUI consultation with an experienced DUI Defense attorney today. It is crucial to provide your DUI lawyer with enough time to prepare your DUI case. DUI cases are extremely fact intensive, and there may be many legal defenses to bring up in court to minimize penalties or even get your case dismissed. Consultations with our DUI lawyers are absolutely FREE. We welcome both phone and office consultations. At Critzer Cardani, we appreciate that you have a lot on the line and commit to partnering with you for the best result.More…



Call Critzer Cardani PC about any embezzlement charges. Theft crimes especially embezzlement are taken seriously, and you should not try to handle your charges alone, even if you believe you are innocent. Do not talk to any law enforcement or anyone else until you talk to us. If you have been charged with embezzlement in Central Virginia, you need to contact a skilled Virginia criminal defense lawyer who has experience handling these types of cases.  More…


Personal Injury

Call Critzer Cardani PC to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney who can guide you through your best next steps to maximize your potential recovery. When you are injured through no fault of your own, you need help! You need a shelter from the onslaught of medical bills and insurance company phone calls. More…


Reckless Driving

Call Critzer Cardani PC to schedule a FREE Reckless Driving consultation with an experienced attorney at Critzer Cardani PC. Reckless driving in Virginia includes a wide array of offenses. Twelve different laws in Virginia encompass reckless driving. To avoid harsh reckless driving penalties, you should hire an experienced defense attorney as soon as possible to give yourself the best chance of having your matter resolved in your favor. More…


Shoplifting & Petet Larceny

Call Critzer Cardani PC about any Shoplfiting or Petit Larceny charges. Stealing (Larceny) or shoplifting items of small value can still result in criminal charges in Virginia. Even stealing a pack of gum could result in a criminal record that can cause problems in your future. Before going to court on your own or pleading guilty to any crime, you should talk to a lawyer about your rights. If you were arrested and charged with petit larceny or shoplifting in Virginia, Do not talk to anyone arresting or detaining you and assert your right to speak to a lawyer. More… 


Spousal Support

Call Critzer Cardani PCtoday to schedule a Spousal Support consultation with an experienced Family Law attorney today. Virginia spousal support is available to married, but separated parties. Whether you are being asked to pay spousal support or you are seeking spousal support from your spouse, call Critzer Cardani PC to discuss your options with an experienced family law attorney. We welcome both phone and office consultations. At Critzer Cardani, we appreciate that you have a lot on the line and commit to partnering with you for the best result. More…