What To Do When...

A Dummies Guide to the Legalverse Podcast

What To Do When Legal Chat Podcast... As Seen on the News from Critzer Cardani PC

The objective of the What To Do When… legal chat video podcast is to discuss common legal scenarios faced by everyday citizens in Virginia. Critzer and Cardani practice law throughout Virginia and focus their practice around the state’s capital of Richmond, in the Piedmont region. We cover topics such as juvenile defense, juvenile sex crimes, reckless driving, the legalization of marijuana in Virginia, Divorce 101, Child Support, High Asset situations, and others legal subject matters.

Welcome to What To Do When… A Dummies Guide to the Legalverse Podcast.

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WTDW YouTube Podcast
What To Do When... Launched on Google Podcasts
Amazon Music / Audible

Hi, I’m Jackie and this is Scott and we are Critzer | Cardani. We are introducing you to our new podcast – What To Do When… A Dummies Guide to the LegalVerse. We will cover hot topics in the news, as well as questions we received from most of our clients, and topics that we cover in court. We might talk about what to do when: your husband leaves, or what to do when your teenager gets in trouble, what to do when you have an interaction with the police how to handle that. We are going to be releasing the podcasts on a regular basis and we will give you an opportunity to send questions ahead of time so that we can answer your questions on the podcast as well. We look forward to helping you in this venture and Good Luck! Contact Us | Submit your questions for upcoming podcast topics.

What To Do When… Legal Podcast Action Items from WTDW Episodes from Critzer Cardani in Richmond, VA.

Divorce 101 – Top Action Items

Watch Divorce 101 on our CCLawVA YouTube Channel

  1. Have to be safe -whatever that means. Find a way to get safe and get secure.
  2. Take an inventory as quickly as they can of what is going on – cash and securities. Secure your own assets.
  3. Secure Legal Counsel – ask for help to ensure you are going about this process in the best way for you.
  4. Secure Documents – paper documents to be able to track assets.
  5. Get a support order in place.

Juvenile Criminal Defense – Top Action Items

  1. Educate our kids according to our constitutional rights.
  2. The right to not incriminate yourself. Don’t incriminate yourself – don’t say anything, don’t write anything. Have the juvenile decline search respectfully, ask the person asking to speak to their parents.
  3. Remember it’s ok to go through short term pain, in order for long term potential gain.

Juvenile Sex Crimes – Top Action Items

  1. A juvenile sending a picture (sexting) of a juvenile or getting a picture of a juvenile is child porn.  Even if it’s a picture of themselves.
  2. Sometimes it doesn’t even matter where the illegal media began, it matters what ‘you did with it’.
  3. Once one party in a relationship is ‘not okay’ with what is going on, then it becomes a crime.
  4. It’s the parent’s job to train their child to have the strength of character to say ‘no’ and remove themselves from a bad situation.
What To Do When...