What To Do When... You've Been Impacted by a Temporary Detention Order.

What To Do When… You’ve Been Impacted by a Temporary Detention Order.

WTDW Legal Chat Podcast Video & Audio Source – https://cclawva.com/2025/01/31/wtdw-video-podcast-what-to-do-when-youve-been-impacted-by-a-temporary-Detention-order

On this legal video podcast chat in Critzer Cardani’s What To Do When… podcast series, join our hosts Jackie Critzer and Scott Cardani as they chat about What To Do When…You’ve Been Impacted by a Temporary Detention Order. This video and audio podcast episode focuses on the importance of mental health, and mental hospitalizations from a legal perspective here in Virginia.

Tune in today for not only our top take-aways, but also some chat about the following subject matters and other helpful action items from a ‘legal chat slant’ from Critzer Cardani’s legal partners.

* Scott Cardani explains that TDOs can result from voluntary or involuntary admissions to mental health institutions
* Jackie Critzer and Scott discuss the various reasons people seek help, including unusual violence, self-harm, drug or alcohol abuse, and hearing voices.
* They emphasize the need for adults to follow through with recommended care to avoid long-term legal and personal consequences.
* They discuss the long-term effects of mental health admissions on various aspects of life, including job applications and school admissions.
* Some long-term effects of mental health admissions.
* Stay informed and aware of the potential consequences of mental health treatment.

Watch the Video, Listen to the Audio version and / or Follow, Like, and Share… “What To Do When…” Legal Chat Podcast from Critzer Cardani PC.

The objective of the What To Do When… podcast is to discuss common legal scenarios faced by everyday citizens in Virginia. Critzer and Cardani practice law throughout Virginia and focus their practice around the state’s capital of Richmond, in the Piedmont region. Tune in and subscribe to learn about legal topics such as reckless driving by speeding, bad lawyers, Will Knows Weed, juvenile defense, juvenile sex crimes, reckless driving, the legalization of marijuana in Virginia, divorce 101, Child Support, There is Still Hope and others.

Thank you for sending us your feedback, questions, or topic suggestions for future #WTDW | What To Do When… episodes by emailing [email protected].

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