What To Do When… Your Teenager Enters Party Season.
WTDW Legal Chat Podcast Video & Audio Source – https://cclawva.com/2022/11/16/wtdw-video-podcast-Your-Teenager-Enters-Party-Season
On this juvenile law episode of our legal chat video podcast please join Jackie Critzer and Scott Cardani as they share about What To Do When… Your Teenager Enters Party Season. This episode focuses on helping you with teenagers and other underage kids as parents to care about their safety here in Virginia.
Tune in for some chat about our society and how it’s changed over time, alcohol and underage drinking, parental responsibility, tips, and other helpful action items from a ‘legal chat slant’ from Critzer Cardani’s legal partners.
Watch the Video, Listen to the Audio version and / or Follow, Like, and Share… “What To Do When…” Legal Chat Podcast from Critzer Cardani PC.
Thank you for sending us your feedback, questions, or topic suggestions for future episodes by emailing [email protected].
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