On this episode of our legal chat podcast please join Jackie Critzer and Scott Cardani as they share about What To Do When… Your Student Has Been Accused. This podcast video episode focuses on helping you navigate the subject matter of your student that is being accused of x,y, or z criminal subject matters here in the legal system here in the state of Virginia.
Tune in for the Top 3 take aways for What To Do When… Your student has been accused. Because, it’s all about understanding your and your student’s rights, teaching our children those rights, so that ultimately we can protect their rights in those circumstances.
From our Partner Scott Cardani – “You have the 16th Amendment right and the Fifth Amendment right in the Fourth Amendment right, and all these amendments that are out there, and they put them in there. They put them in the Constitution as amendments to protect your rights. So we need to teach our kids to protect their own right. It’s very important.”
Watch the Video, Listen to the Audio version and / or Follow, Like, and Share… “What To Do When…” Legal Chat Podcast from Critzer Cardani PC.
Thank you for sending us your feedback, questions, or topic suggestions for future episodes by emailing [email protected].
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