What To Do When... You're Moving After Custody Has Been Determined.

Episode 24: What To Do When… You’re Moving After Custody Has Been Determined.

Source – https://cclawva.com/2022/07/21/wtdw-podcast-what-to-do-when-you-are-moving-after-custody-has-been-determined

On this episode of our legal chat podcast please join Jackie Critzer and Scott Cardani as they share about What To Do When… There’s a Move Coming After Custody Has Been Determined. This podcast video episode focuses on helping you navigate your determined child custody journey when changes are on the horizon here in the legal system here in the state of Virginia.

From WTDW…Episode 24: – “But always remember, if you’re gonna move at all, every one of those custody orders says 30 days advance written notice must be provided to the court and to the other party – prior – prior – prior to any move… And if you don’t provide 30 days advance written notice of the intent to relocate with the new address. It is a violation of an order, which we’ll talk about in another podcast where we talk about enforcement orders. But for enforcement actions, but you must, you shall, if there is an order in place, you have to give the other party in the court notice that you’re intending to move.”

Tune in for the Top 3 take aways.

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