What To Do When… You’re a Landlord with Tenant Issues.
WTDW Legal Chat Podcast Video & Audio Source – https://cclawva.com/2023/07/20/wtdw-video-podcast-what-to-do-when-youre-a-landlord-with-tenant-issues
On this legal video podcast chat with a Landlord and Tenant subject matter in our What To Do When… podcast series please join Scott Cardani and Will Smith as they share about What To Do When… You’re a Landlord with Tenant Issues. This video and audio podcast episode focuses on helpful tips to navigating when you’re a Landlord and you have Tenant Issues in the state of Virginia.
Tune in today for not only our top 3 take-aways, but also some chat about the following subject matters and other helpful action items from a ‘legal chat slant’ from Critzer Cardani’s legal partners.
* What to do when a tenant isn’t paying their rent.
* Why you can’t just kick someone out because you want to.
* The number one legal thing landlords need to know.
* What to do in the event that your tenant defaults.
* What’s an unlawful detainer?
* How long does it take to get an unlawful detainer summons?
* Why it’s so important to have a lawyer involved.
Watch the Video, Listen to the Audio version and / or Follow, Like, and Share… “What To Do When…” Legal Chat Podcast from Critzer Cardani PC.
Thank you for sending us your feedback, questions, or topic suggestions for future episodes by emailing [email protected].
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